
Course Topics Checklist

How to use this checklist


Understand what 'parent' and 'child' is

Can create and link a stylesheet

Understand what semantic tags are and how to use them

Be able to include a form in a web page

Be able to create a button

Understand what a selector is in CSS

Understand the difference between a tag, class and ID

Understand what prefixes are

Understand what pseudo classes are

Understand the difference between padding and margin

Be able to create a comment in HTML and CSS

Can create a media query that triggers a change / changes on another device / screen size

Understand how to implement flexbox and when to use it

Understand how to implement Grid and when to use it

Understand how to include Bootstrap in a project

Be able to use Bootstrap classes


Can initialize a repo for a new project

Can use a .gitignore file

Can use the commands git add, git commit and git push correctly

Can make a pull request on GitHub

Know how to handle a merge conflict

Know how to fork a repo and understand how this differs from cloning


Be able to link a Javascript file in your project

Be able to do a console.log()

Understand what a console.log is used for

Understand what a console.log is used for

Understand the different types of data in Javascript e.g. string, integer, etc.

Be able to assign a variable with const and let

Understand the difference between const and let

Be able to write a function

Be able to use concatentation

Be able to use string methods like length, indexOf(), slice(), splice(), toUpperCase(), etc.

Understand what a return statement does

Be able to use a callback function

Understand the difference between expressions and statements

Understand what a conditional is

Be able to write an if/else statement

Be able to use a ternary operator

Understand what booleans are

Understand how to use comparision operators like < and >

Understand how to use logical operators like && and ||

Understand the difference between for and while loops

Be able to write a regular for loop

Be able to write a forEach loop

Be able to write a forEach loop

Understand what arrays are

Be able to use array methods like pop(), push(), shift(), unshift(), splice(), includes(), etc.

Understand what an anonymous function is

Be able to use the map() method

Be able to use filter() method

Be able to chain methods

Understand what an object is

Can access and retrieve data from an object

Can edit data in an object

Be able to create a method in an object

Be able to call a method in an object

Be able to use methods like map(), filter(), etc with objects

Be able to use built-in object methods like .keys()

Be able to loop over an object with

Be able to convert an object into an array

Understand what the DOM is

Be able to manipulate the DOM with query selectors like getElementById, querySelectorAll, etc.

Be able to set up event listeners like click

Create HTML elements with Javascript

Create HTML elements with Javascript

Be able to use Javascript to modify HTML elements e.g. their CSS properties

Understand the difference between synchronous and asynchronous

Understand the difference between client and server

Understand the difference between GET and POST

Be able to make GET requests

Be able to make POST requests

Be able to debug your code with tools like DevTools

Understand what common errors mean e.g. Syntax Error, Reference Error

Understand what an API is and what they are used for

Understand what a Promise is

Be able to make a fetch() request

Understand what JSON is

Be able to handle JSON data from a fetch() request

Understand what scope is and how it can affect your code

Be able to use array destructuring


Understand the difference between class and functional components

Be able to create a React application with create-react-app

Understand what JSX is and how it's different to HTML and Javascript

Be able to apply a class in JSX

Be able to pass props

Be able to handle events in React

Be able to use ternary operators in React

Be able to use conditional rendering

Understand what state is and how to use it

Be able to update state

Understand what hooks are

Be able to use the useState hook

Be able to use the useEffect hook

Understand what dependencies are in relation to useEffect and how this can effect the functionality of this hook

Be able to handle forms in React

Be able to use fetch in React


Be able to create a basic express server

Understand what NPM is and how to use it

Be able to install third party libraries with NPM

Be able to use express to create a basic API

Understand what a CRUD application does

Be able to implement a GET request

Be able to implement a POST request

Be able to implement a DELETE request


Understand what SQL is and what it is used for

Understand what table, rows and columns refer to

Be able to create a database

Be able to create a table

Be able to insert data into a table

Be able to retrieve data from a table

Understand the different types of data

Be able to use conditionals in SQL statements

Be able to drop/delete tables

Be able to update data in a table

Be able to delete rows

Be able to join tables